Wildlife in Northern Israel Threatened by Fires Sparked by Hezbollah Rockets

Gazelle (Pixabay)

Hezbollah has incessantly fired rockets into the north of Israel since October 8th, causing the evacuation of 60,000 Israelis.
These attacks are also taking a massive toll on the environment and animal habitats in the region.

Gazelle (Pixabay)
Gazelle (Pixabay)

Missile attacks have sparked massive fires threatening habitats, some belonging to rare or endangered species.
The fires are shrinking the ecosystems of wolves and gazelles and animals that can’t escape fires, including nesting birds, reptiles, and small mammals.
The fires have particularly threatened rare birds of prey.
“Adult birds can save themselves and fly to other nesting sites when a fire breaks out, but the fate of the chicks is different… and they are burned in the nest,” a report said.
In addition, populations of lizards and insects these birds feed on are also destroyed by fires.

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