Israel’s Economy Grew the Least of Any OECD Nation Between April-June

shekels (pixabay)

Israel’s war-ravaged economy saw the slowest growth of any OECD country between April and June.

Of the 38 member countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Israel experienced the most pronounced slowdown, from 4.1% in the first three months of the year to 0.3% in the second quarter.

shekels (pixabay)
shekels (pixabay)

The OECD’s GDP grew 0.4% between April and June, and the US’s GDP rose from 0.4% in the first quarter to 0.7% in the second quarter.

Given the ongoing war, the OECD decreased its growth forecast for Israel to 1.9% from 3.3% but predicts an increase to 4.6% in 2025.

The Bank of Israel reduced the level of growth it expects to see by the end of 2024 to 1.5%, and the Finance Ministry projects 1.9%.

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