1 in 6 Israelis is addicted to Gambling

gambling (Pixabay)

1 in 6 Israelis is addicted to Gambling
Since October 7th, many Israelis have sought refuge in recreational drugs and alcohol, but gambling was a problem even before the crisis and is expected to worsen.
According to a study, one out of every six Israelis is addicted to gambling.

gambling (Pixabay)
gambling (Pixabay)

Fortunately, there are groups such as Gambler’s Anonymous that can help break the habit.
Addiction is a bio-psycho-social phenomenon,” says Prof. Belle Gavriel-Fried, Head of the Addictions and Recovery lab at the School of Social Work at Tel Aviv University told Ynet.
“The biological factor shows a dopamine deficiency in the brain (a neurotransmitter that makes us feel good), and the person seeks reward; the psychological factor involves low self-esteem, a tendency to depression, anxiety, and more. The social factor relates to the availability of the gambling, the drug, etc. The combination is critical. People who have the biological and psychological predisposition and are in an environment that ‘supports’ addiction – are at risk.”

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