Leaders of Northern Communities Give Israeli Government the Silent Treatment

Katzrin House hit by Hezbollah

Leaders of northern Israeli communities said they are no longer communicating with the government until it passes a credible proposal to safely return the 60,000 evacuees for northern communities.

Katzrin House hit by Hezbollah
Katzrin house hit by Hezbollah Rocket, August 21 2024 (IDF social media)

“We haven’t interested you for 10 and a half months, and from now on, you don’t interest us. Don’t call, don’t come, don’t send messages. We have managed alone until now, we will manage,” a joint statement by Mateh Asher Regional Council head Moshe Davidovich, Metula Mayor David Azoulay, and Upper Galilee Reginal Council Giora Zaltz reads.
The anger of the northern leaders comes following Israel’s preemptive strike against Hezbollah which was planning an attack on central Israel as well as the north.

The northern Israel asked the government why they haven’t taken the same kind of decisive action when it was only Israel’s north that was being threatened.

Since October 8th, Hezbollah has fired projectiles into northern Israel almost daily causing civilian casualties, damage and disastrous wildfires.

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