3 ISIS-Connected Terrorists Arrested for Plotting Attacks Within Israel

vandalsim (pixabay)

3 terrorists who had become radicalized by ISIS content online were arrested for plotting terror attacks within Israel, including Tel Aviv.

The three men were from the Bedouin town of Tel Sheva in the Negev.

The police identified them as Wadi Atta, Assi (Matsab) Abu Asa, and Maawiya Abu Asa.

vandalsim (pixabay)
vandalsim (pixabay)

One of the members had been trained directly by an ISIS operative and was encouraging the others to travel abroad to do likewise.

The three men were planning to stockpile weapons and carry out a number of terrorist attacks throughout Israel.

Regarding the incidents, the Shin Bet said it takes “the involvement of Israeli citizens in terrorist activities very seriously and will continue to act to thwart such activities and ensure that those involved in terrorism face the full severity of the law, to protect the citizens and residents of Israel.”

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