Taiwan Introduces Initiative to Provide Tech Training to Druze Youth

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Following the devastating Hezbollah attack on Majdal Shams that killed 12 youths Taiwan is joining forces with a Druze veteran group to help bridge the digital gap and train Druze veterans for tech professions.

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv is partnering with the Druze High-Tech Empowerment Center (DTEC) in Usfiya, and Taiwan has pledged over NIS 187,000 for the project.

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hi-tech (pixabay)

Taiwanese Rep. in Israel, Ya-Ping (Abby) Lee, who has headed numerous projects to assist Israelis after October 7th, said the project will benefit the Druze community and express solidarity following the rocket attack that claimed so many young lives.

The program was developed by Koftan Halabi of the Druze Veterans Association and includes a six-month training workshop which includes workshops that develop critical thinking skills, media literacy, and diplomacy.

Participants will also be mentored by leaders in the Israeli tech industry, including Mr. Dov Moran and Taboola.

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