Couple Who Lost Legs During Nova Festival Are Now Married

Wedding (Pixabay)

A couple who lost their legs during the Hamas attack on the Nova Festival on October 7th are now married.

Ben Binyamin and Gali Segal, who had been dating for 6 years, became engaged shortly before October 7th and decided to celebrate by attending the Nova music festival.

When the attack began, the couple fled to a shelter at Alumim Junction and lost their legs when Hamas terrorists threw grenades inside.

Wedding (Pixabay)
Wedding (Pixabay)

When police arrived on the scene, the couple were sent to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba where they shared beds close together.

“This kind of injury [changes you],” Segal said. “You learn about yourself from the beginning. It’s like being born again, only as an adult.”

Although the couple had to adjust to life with missing limbs, they were able to give each other love and moral support along the way.

Recently the couple, both of whom walk with prosthetic legs, celebrated their wedding.
Segal said, “Despite all the difficulties, we are a strong couple. The fact that we are going through this together is incredible.”

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