Hamas Told Female Hostages They Would Be Forced Into Marriage and Never Leave Gaza

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In an interview, Shai Albag, sister of captive IDF Lookout Liri Albag discussed the psychological terror suffered by female hostages in Gaza.

Shai received information about her sister’s captivity from freed and rescued hostages.

“The kidnappers subjected my sister to extreme psychological terror,” Shai Albag said.

Shai said that Hamas captors told her sister, “You will stay here forever [in Gaza], you will marry here [with Gazans], you are soldiers, they won’t release you alive.”.

Last month, Liri’s mother Shiri said in an interview that her daughter was being treated like a slave and forced to cook meals she was not allowed to eat.

She said her daughter was then taken into a tunnel.”There is only salt water and not much food. There are no clothes to change into,” she added.
Despite this horror, Shair said her sister Liri managed to pass on humorous messages and said, “Tell my sister not to cancel her post-army trip…and not to touch my shoes.”

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